Cyber Monday and Tuesday Sale!

Wow! I cannot believe it is finally here, but it is! The mantle is decorated, the tree is up (okay, sadly, it is not decorated yet due to lighting issues, haha!), but the holiday music has been on heavy rotation, and it is time for some Cyber Monday (and Tuesday) shopping!

(Thanks to Ashley for the adorable graphic!)

I have joined in on the HUGE Sale on Teachers Pay Teachers, so everything in my store will be 20% off! Plus, you can use the code CMT12 to receive an additional 10% discount! Gotta love those coupon codes!  Here are a few of my items on sale...I hope you'll check them out!


Happy Shopping! I know I've already got my cart filled!


  1. Darling! Your products are super cute! Love your blog too!
    The Hive

  2. Thanks for all the ideas! I am new to to the blog world. I love reading others' blogs. I am just learning how to post items. I haven't figured out how to post pictures and things I create, but I will. I am looking for teachers who would like to participate in an exchange project. Please visit my blog to find out more ~

  3. Hi! Just found your blog! My fiance and I will be moving to TN in May, his family lives in Morristown. How do you like teaching in TN? Andy advise for teaching in TN?

    Just Diving In

  4. My class and I have been working through your Jack and the Beanstalk measurement unit! It has been one of the most fun weeks of math! Thanks for this great unit! On my way to leave you some love on TPT!

    A+ Firsties

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