As we are wrapping things up, I have been preparing my end of the year gifts for my classroom helpers and my firsties. After scouring Pinterest for some cute ideas, I came up with these ideas: hand and foot scrubs/lotions for the helpers (Bath and Body Works had them on sale--buy two, get one free), and books, of course, for my students (I get the $1 books from Scholastic using points). I made some cute little gift tags to attach to them, and you are welcome to snag them for free if you'd like! Just click on the images to grab them from googledocs.
In other areas, I have been sooo excited and a little bit overwhelmed about the positive response to my Project Binder-izing post a few months ago. I've had several requests for personalized binders, so I decided to make a Customizable Binder-izing Kit! If you would like to personalize your binders with your own titles, graphics, name, fonts, and more, just click the image below to head to my TPT store.
To celebrate my last days of school and the insane amount of organizing I'm planning on doing at home and school this summer (high hopes), I will be giving away a Customizable Binder-izing Kit to the first two followers to comment! Plus, in case you are not one of the first two, and you have high hopes for organizing this summer as well, the Customizable Binder-izing Kit will be on sale for $8.00 (they are regularly $10) from now through Friday!
Hope your last days (or weeks) are going well! I've got to finish up some packing (we are required to have absolutely everything out of the classroom and teacher workroom by Friday morning, so I'm going packing crazy! I bought over 24 huge plastic bins, and I still need more! Does everyone have to pack up like this, or am I just lucky?